Why You Need a Strong Social Media Strategy to Reach Millennials

2016 was the year social media finally surpassed TV for total US Media Ad Spend.  And with the younger generation moving even further online, if you want to market to millennials, then you need to have a presence on social media.

We’re not saying that traditional TV advertising is completely on its way out, but what we’re getting at is that it’s pretty imperative to have a social media strategy in place as well.

First, let’s talk numbers…

The viewership for standard television is dropping every year.  Even the biggest TV events, like the Oscars, are reporting record low amounts of viewers.  But, while TV viewership is low, social activity revolving around these same events is strong.

This probably has a little something to do with the fact that the cost of cable keeps rising, while the same content is becoming more and more accessible online.  Because of this, younger audiences watch significantly less traditional TV each year.  And of the millennials who are still watching traditional TV, 92% of them are perusing their social networks while watching.

Contrary to how it sounds, we’re not saying television advertising is dead.  TV commercials are still number one for mass reach and emotional resonance.  It’s estimated that by the time your 30, you’ll have seen around two million commercials.  With that being said though, how many times do you watch a commercial and after seeing it think to yourself, “I’m going to go there or buy that,” without doing any of your own research?

And, that’s where social media strategy comes in…

Your social strategy can be broken into two parts: your online presence and your paid advertising on social media.  Both of these parts are key in building your brand, and helping your traditional TV marketing be successful, too.

Establishing your online presence lets you build your relationship with your consumers.  It allows them to interact with your brand and better understand who you are.  And, the first thing a consumer does after seeing a commercial for something they’re interested in, is look it up on social.  So, by having a strong presence, they get a strong idea of your brand, which helps you establish trust.

And as far as paid advertising on social…87% of millennials say they’re never without their cell phones.  So, advertising on social media allows you to reach these audiences on platforms that they are highly engaged on.

Earlier, we said that TV still takes the cake when it comes to mass reach.  Yes.  But, just reaching everyone isn’t always the most beneficial.  The marketing insight tools provided when advertising on social allow you to target the right people.  So, your ads are being seen by people who are actually relevant to your brand.  And in turn, you can use these social insight tools to better distribute your TV commercials.

Utilizing social media is important because it helps you reach the right people, and start building your relationship with these people.